Stop the Impending Ecocide against Nature

Dickson Adom March 9, 2025, 3 p.m

Revisiting Ghanaian Indigenous Sensibilities and Setting the Tone for a Rights of Nature Ghana (RoNAG) Movement

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Unlicensed Gold Mines in Ghana Present Risks to People

Dickson Adom March 13, 2025, 3:44 p.m.

Illegal gold mining operations in Ghana have reportedly increased in recent years. The activities present dangerous risks to the individuals involved as well as environmental harms. The Reuters news agency recently reported on the issue. Reporters with the news agency visited such an operation in western Ghana. They found that workers were not using professional protective equipment as they mined for gold in muddy water filled with mercury. Groups of unofficial miners wore normal clothes and used only their hands to remove rocks.

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